Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Drücken Means Push?


"My map is awesome." - The first five minutes of conversation with NBB.
"My day was great! I used my awesome map." - (Two minutes later) More signs of NBB OCD.

"The Glockenspiel is really cool. The figurines tell a story. Do you know the story? Well, did you even see the figurines?" - NBB possibly a little starved for conversation while in Munchen.

Tantris - Not quite FL, although it did feature Daryl Hannah photos on the wall and Willy Wonka decor.

Five course meal with wine pairings.

"The first one was an amuse bouche." - NBB showcasing her language skills.

"It would be the last pick on my softball team of meat. I don't know why softball because I've never played."

"I don't think the owner would appreciate me saying that the truffles smelled like sperm. "

"That veal is on my shit list. "

1/3 the weight of Hello Kitty.

(Saturday) Train to Garmisch - no stops in Dachau.

"There's a lounge for douche bags."

(There are also ovens made for them too.)

"Miss, your hotel is only 200 meters that way." - Taxi driver turning down a sucker fare for two lazy Americans who wanted to cab it down the street. Circling the banhhof to find a cab is tiring when you have brezel food baby.

Lukewarm Jacuzzis at the Grundel mean foreign dudes too busy sausage festing to press the power button. (No photo but clearly we missed out by not eating at the hotel restaurant.)

Hummersuppe for dinner is an elixir for sleeping at 8pm (if you're NBB).

Accidentally toasting oneself with wine glasses for peeing in the middle of the night doesn't result in a pleasant roommate the morning after.


Pea suppe not a conducive breakfast to doing an Olympic expert run in an aesthetic manner.

Prada for Burton (only acceptable for a snowboarder if worn inside out.)

Hypothermia on the back and stomach, normally fatal, but not for one who is NBB.

Inflatable HK wouldve come in handy for blocking the wind and small animals from entering the Grundel suite.


Most difficult run on the mountain - slalom course with cow bells.

Are you tall enough to ride the people mover?

NBB's German sister

Russian babushkas hitting shots of Jaeger before the slopes.

Carrying a Sybian in public is acceptable as long as it's the right color.

"I'm not sure about the attire for this place." - NBB en route to the Augustiner.
"You mean if they allow snowboarding pants?" (And would it really matter if you end up paying for your sausage platter and pints of pils in centimes?)


Unicorns for fertility above the beds at the Hotel Königshof.

30 degrees celsius - acceptable temp on plane but maybe not if you have Kids.

"It's like you're GGP." (To NBB after taking off her shirt to wear just a tank top.)
"Are you comparing me to a stripper?" (Yes, NBB, it's a compliment)

(I wonder where all the pillows and blankets went?)

"Maybe she's a midget. "
"No. She's just a little old lady....who's greedy."

(Mummy in seat 8f somehow snagged a blanket.)

When the mummy awakens and the entertainment runs out, there's always stuffing (one pair of thin) airplane socks down NBB's shirt. (100% natur)

Pre-gaming for German sausage food baby with NBB's first cake (from a box).

Photos of Garmisch

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